Hello loved ones! Today I went to the health clinic on base to get the ball rolling with military confirmation of our pregnancy and to get started for putting a request in on an OBGYN visit. They took me in and I did the classic and always lovely "pee in a cup" test and waited anxiously in the waiting room for my name to be called. About 30 LONG minutes later, I was called by a nurse and taken into a room and the first words out of her mouth were "Congratulations! You are pregnant." (which we already knew but nice to have professional confirmation as well). At that point she had me fill out information and took my vitals (which were all excellent) and gave me a packet and a whole lot of information on pregnancy, a list of things to avoid, information on birth plans and so on and so forth. We even got a military official letter.
Hooray!! |
Since finding out we are pregnant things have pretty much been the same as usual. Slight changes include meat aversions, pasta aversions, weeping to Willy Wonka, a constant growling tummy and some sleepiness..
Although, Baby J has made it quite clear that he or she does not care for cucumbers, he or she does love all kinds of fruit, chocolate milk and anything sour. :)
According to my due date, November 6th, 2013, I am 6 weeks and 4 days pregnant today. The baby is the size of a blueberry and has a heartbeat. Baby J also should have little nubs as arms and legs at this point and the brain and spinal cord are rapidly growing every day. We are already in so much love with this little baby and can't wait to share more with you in the weeks to come! :)
Well, today was the big day! Nine days late and feeling quite suspicious. Woke up early this lovely morning, assuming a negative pregnancy test was on the horizon... Low and behold....
Oh my! |
Unfortunately, Daniel just left for field training a week prior so I had to pick up my jaw from the floor on my own and decide how I was going to break the news. A few hours later Daniel called me on a break and we talked for a few minutes. Telling each other how much we missed each other (ew, barf, I know) when he told me he couldn't wait to get home to me in 13 days. Now originally I wanted to wait to tell him in person... But after the realization that I still had 13 more days to hold in the secret of a lifetime, I blurted out "Daniel, I can't do this! I'm pregnant." In which he responded "holy shit baby! Are you serious?! Oh my god!! Hughes! West! (which are some of his friends in his platoon) come here! Ashley, say it again!"
Needless to say, this dude was thrilled. And I am beyond ecstatic. :)
I know there is absolutely no change in my body at 5 weeks and 4 days in. However, I had to take a picture of my tummy on the day we found out I was pregnant.. This one is for the books!
"Sweet Baby J" |